New Google Search Index "Caffeine"

New Google search engine algorithm is finally here. For those who don’t know what is it all about here is a quick run through it.
The old Google index had several layers, some of which were refreshed at a faster rate than others and with the main layer which was updated every couple of weeks. This means, in worst case, that after you do some basic SEO of your page, it would become visible on Google index after one to two weeks later.
New Google caffeine algorithm speeds up this process significantly. As it finds new pages, or new information on existing pages, it can add these straight to the index, with constant refreshing of now smaller but numerous main layers, providing a better and faster search.
A lot of fuss has risen over now more dynamic indexing, wich means that many companies will have to update some portions of their web sites and try to constantly be 'fresh' so that they continue to be amongst the top rated sites on Google search. It also means that sites that are not some sort of social network, or do not have a blog, are now required to address that fact if they don’t want to be pushed down by new, dynamical sites.
Also some Google apps gained on popularity because they are more implemented in new algorithm, Gmaps is one of them.
All in all, Google brings some new and interesting stuff with their evolution of indexing system, and we all expect a lot of new ideas and systems from them.
What this actually means for SEO community is left to be seen. I am only afraid this can bring a wave of useless new content created solely for fast Google indexing.
Novi Google search indeks "Caffeine"
Novi Google algoritam pretraživača je napokon tu. Za one koji ne znaju tačno o čemu se radi evo brzog prelaza.
Stari Google indeks je imao nekoliko slojeva, od kojih su neki bili osvežavani brže od ostalih sa glavnim slojem koji je bio osvežavan i ažuriran svakih nekoliko nedelja. To znači da bi u najgorem slučaju posle neke osnovne optimizacije vaše strane, Google indeksirao taj sajt posle jedne ili dve nedelje.
Novi Google kofein algoritam značajno ubrzava ovaj proces. Kako nalazi nove strane ili nove informacije na stranama on ih istog trenutka dodaje u svoj indeks omogućavajući bržu i bolju pretragu.
Dosta komentara je bilo zbog sada novog i dinamičnijeg indeksiranja, to znači da će dosta kompanija morati da česće ažurira neke delove njihovih sajtova u cilju da konstantno budu ”sveži” tako da bi nastavili da budu medju prvima u Google pretrazi. Isto tako neke kompanije koje nisu u nekoj socijalnoj mreži ili nemaju neku vrstu bloga su od sada čak i prinudjene da ih imaju, ako ne žele da ih potisnu neki novi i dinamičniji sajtovi.
Takodje, neke Google aplikacije su dobile na popularnosti jer su postale više implementirane u novom algoritmu, primer je Gmaps.
Sve u svemu, Google nam je doneo neke nove i interesantne stvari sa evolucijom njihovog sistema i dalje isčekujemo novotarije koje ce proisteći iz ovoga.
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